Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. U guys are just superb. Beyond awesome!

As for today, my family didn't go out to celebrate. We had fun at home. But too bad, mum isn't here to join the fun. She's in Bandung till Tuesday to do some shopping. Ahhh jealous! Terus rasa rindu dekat Bandung. Insyallah ada rezeki, we'll be there lagi next year. By that time, we have to be in Jakarta even just for a day sebab last time we got no time to wander around Jakarta.

Oh back to the topic,

Last few days baru beli oven dengan mum. Excited bukan main lagi. Well, u see. Bila ada oven, macam2 benda boleh buat. I'm the kind yang sangat adventurous kononnya in trying out new recipes. Bila ada oven, terus macam2 menu pop out dekat kepala. Lasagna, cakes, cookies etc. I'm more to western actually sebab our foods banyak lemaks. "Our foods" as in Malay foods. Santan, minyak, pedas2. Why dont we try some western foods kan since they're so easy to make.

So my brothers and I decided to have some roasted chicken for tonite's dinner. Konon2 special menu la for Father's Day. So we bought a whole chicken and I marinated it for like 3 - 4 hours. I browsed for recipe. So I marinated the chicken with olive oil, garlic, orange zest, salt and black pepper. Lots of black pepper! How simple kan? I was too nervous tunggu ayam masak sebab takut x jadi. Apa tidak, that was my first time to roast some chicken. Plus, its a WHOLE chicken. Tapi alhamdulillah, menjadi la juga.

Another thing, I made some baked stuffed potatoes. I baked the potatoes dulu sampai masak. Then I scooped out untuk buat lubang for the fillings. As for the filling, I letak minced beef, shredded cheddar, salt and pepper for seasoning and potatoes yang dah scooped out tadi. On top of that, put a bit more of the cheese and bake!

Basically, thats it! 

P/S : Malas letak watermark dekat photos -.-

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