Tuesday 5 June 2012

Another family moment

Last Thursday, my family and i went to the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. For more info, u may visit here and u guys boleh tau berapa fees for entrance and all. Well, I've been there once, a trip with classmates. But since my baby brother insisted on going there, so here we are. It was such a hot Thursday morning I must say. Plus, school holiday and public holiday. U may just imagine berapa ramai manusia yang datang especially the kids. But it wasn't too crowded la. Thank god for that.

Awal pagi we had breakfast dekat pekan Papar. We had troubles in finding space to park the car and terpaksa double park! Lagipun, breakfast kejap je. So should be okay. Bukan ada police traffic pun rasanya.

The moment when we arrived, sangat la long queue. Tapi thanks to my uncle, he got us some free tickets, which means we dont have to pay. So yeah, x payah baris panjang2. Terus dapat masuk! So my baby brother apalagi. He was so excited nampak all the birds, the reptiles, mamalians and all.

Tapi apa pun, let the photos do the talking la. I'm too lazy to write down every single thing! Didn't really captured much photos though as we were enjoying ourselves walking down the park. 


  1. where this place??? Awwww.. lovely... happy to see the animals and we can also touch them, right??? awwwww.. i wanna to go too

  2. its in KK, Sabah. where r u from? ya u may touch certain animals :)
